Below are links to search tools and databases that can help you find scholarship of academic community engagement .
Different disciplines will tend to use different terms and some phrases may fall out of favor, however, those terms will still be used to describe older literature.
Some terms you might try include: "Community-based learning" "Civic engagement" "Community partnerships" and "Service Learning"
Our LibrarySearch tool searches across nearly all of our library databases, allowing you to find resources in multiple subjects and disciplines. You can narrow results by format (eg. articles or videos), publication date, subject, and more.
These databases allow you to search the education literature. They're a good place to start if you're looking for articles about the pedagogy of service learning and community-campus partnerships.
Provides full-text research on a wide range of education topics. Includes peer-reviewed journals, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, and much more.
Covers a wide range of education topics from early childhood to higher ed as well as educational specialties like adult education, multilingual education, and more. Includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, books, and more.
The No. 1 news source for college and university faculty and administrators. Online version is updated continuously. Includes facts, opinions, job offers, book reviews, and news from college campuses everywhere. Create a free personal account to receive email newsletters, job alerts, etc.
If you are looking for articles on community engagement in specific disciplines, we recommend starting with your preferred disciplinary database. Search for terms such as "Campus community partnership", "service learning", or "community based learning".
© 2023 University of St. Thomas, Minnesota