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Tax Legislative History

Minnesota Tax Law Guidance

  • Minnesota Department of Revenue Legislative Bulletins - Legislative bulletins are annual information notices prepared by the Appeals and Legal Services Division of the Department of Revenue. At the end of each legislative session, the bulletins summarize and highlight many of the significant tax-related law changes enacted during that session. If there are questions about the impact of a particular law change, the statutory language itself should be consulted.
  • Minnesota Department of Revenue: Policy and Research - "Our policy is how we interpret and administer the laws regarding collection of tax. Our research includes tax simulation models and databases for major state and local taxes, using available reports, studies, and statistics."
  • Minnesota House Research Department: Individual Income Taxes - Write-ups are produced and maintained by Minnesota House Research Department, with some links provided to other sources.
  • Minnesota House Research Department: Sales Tax - Write-ups are produced and maintained by Minnesota House Research Department, with some links provided to other sources.
  • Minnesota Tax Handbook - a profile of state and local taxes in Minnesota, produced by the Minnesota Department of Revenue Research Office