LibrarySearch is the library catalog of six private colleges and universities in the Twin Cities, including Saint Thomas. Books from other campuses can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice..
To find treatises and sourcebooks in print or electronic format, search the CLICnet catalog by the following subject keywords or subject headings:
This research guide offers a starting point for law students and practitioners conducting immigration law research. It provides both primary and secondary resources, including print resources available at the University of St. Thomas Law School Library and electronic resources available on Westlaw, Lexis, and the free Web. The guide also describes how to find these resources and information on where they are located.
When beginning research on an unfamiliar topic, secondary resources can be helpful. Secondary resources include encyclopedias, treatises, nutshells, and other similar materials that provide background information on a particular topic or issue. They guide the researcher towards relevant case and statutory law.
Many treatises are also available online through Westlaw and Lexis. Listed below are relevant treatises with links to the CLICnet catalog, which will direct you to the appropriate database and source. Or, search for the listed database to find within Westlaw or Lexis.
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