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HIST 292 Native American History: Find Primary Sources

Find Census Records

Note : Family Search provides searchable access to a variety of Census records.   Access to these collections are free, but you do need to create an account to use the collections.


Native American Census Rolls:  Census rolls were submitted each year by agents or superintendents in charge of reservations. They include both Dakota and Ojibwe and are arranged by reservation, although there is not a census for every reservation or group of Indians for every year. Only persons who maintained a formal affiliation with a tribe under federal supervision are listed.  For certain years, including 1935, 1936, 1938, and 1939, only supplemental rolls of additions and deletions were compiled. There is not a census for every reservation or group of Indians for every year.


Federal Population Census :  The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and has been taken every ten years since.  Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1950.   The majority of the 1890 Census, including the records related to Minnesota, was destroyed by fire in 1921. 

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Search LibrarySearch to find primary sources in books and ebooks.   When searching, you will want to use specific subject headings in your searches to single out the primary source materials.  These subject headings are specialized "tag" added to the records to books by catalog librarians to provide accurate descriptions of books.  Using the following subject headings in your search will help you find the source material you seek:

correspondence personal narratives
literary collections                     pictorial works 
diary or diaries songs and music
sources documents

Head of Special Collections & University Archivist | Special Collections & University Archives

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Ann Kenne
I am available to help with your research questions and for in depth consultations. Feel free to email me or schedule an appointment (in-person or via Zoom)!

O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library | LL09
2115 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105-1086
(651) 962 - 5461
Subjects: History, Irish Studies