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HIST 333 East Central European History: Find Books

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Use the search box to perform a basic keyword searches.  To perform an advanced search (which will let you limit your search by subject, title, or author), use the "More Search Options" link under the search box .  Once you find a relevant book or two, look within those records for promising subject headings: click on one of them to perform a new search on that term to find more. Be sure to browse the shelves in the area where you find a promising book for more relevant titles.

Browse the Shelves by Library of Congress Classifications:

The following Library of Congress classifications may be useful when browsing at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library for books on historical topics. Books with call numbers starting with ‘D’ are located the Lower Level. Books with ‘E’ and ‘F’ call numbers are located on the 2nd Floor.

   • D World History including Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
   • E United States History (including colonial period)
   • F United States Local History, Canada, Central & South America

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Head of Special Collections & University Archivist | Special Collections & University Archives

Profile Photo
Ann Kenne
I am available to help with your research questions and for in depth consultations. Feel free to email me or schedule an appointment (in-person or via Zoom)!

O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library | LL09
2115 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105-1086
(651) 962 - 5461
Subjects: History, Irish Studies