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Chicago/Turabian Citation Style: Citing Internet Resources

This is a guide on how to use the Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian citation style. It provides examples of basic formats for sources using Chicago style.

Web Site Resources

Internet Resources:



Author. Title.  Date of web site. <web address> (Date of


Stewart, Mark D. Citing Electronic Documentation: APA,
      Chicago & MLA Styles.
  9 December 2000.
      %7Emstewart/citations/> (8 May 2002).

Citing AI/ChatGPT

AI tools are changing constantly as are suggestions by style guides for use of and citations for them. You may wish to access the information in Chicago Manual of Style Online.

You should mention in the text that you used ChatGPT or any other AI model, but you should NOT include it in a reference or works cited section, because the material is not available to any other user.

The suggested in-text note is:


  1. AI tool, response to "prompt" Date created. Company.


  1. ChatGPT, response to “Are signed languages appropriate for deaf babies?" May 9, 2023, OpenAI.


If you use the Author-Date format, the in-text citation should be:


(AI tool, Date created)


(ChatGPT, March 7, 2023)