Complete searchable content of the Star Tribune (including all title variations) from 1867 to 2001 including all articles, editorials, advertisements, and photographs.
The digital collections below provide access to historical magazine and journal articles published in the United States and Great Britain
With this database you have access to several popular women’s magazines published in the United States and Canada dating from the from the late 1800s through the 20th century.
This database is a digital collection of American magazines and journals dating from 1684 – 1912.
What is a Primary Resource?
Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence created by participants and/or observers of a historical event or time period enabling researchers to get as close to the truth of what actually happened. Often, these materials are created at the time when the events or conditions occured. However, primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs and oral histories that are written or recorded later.
Primary sources are characterized by their content not their format. Therefore, primary sources can be found in published books, on microfilm/microfiche, in digital form or in their original format.
The following types of materials are generally considered primary resources: