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Sciences Citation Styles: Citing Articles

This guide is a resource for students using Sciences Citation Styles. It shows examples of how to cite a few types of resources, using the Council of Science Editors recommended style.

Articles found in print resources

Print Journal articles:


Author(s). Article title. Journal title abbreviation  Year  Month;
      Volume # (Issue #):Page numbers.


Jones, J., Thomas, TS. Writing with style.  Style 
     Writ J  2000 June;12(6):14-33.

Articles found in online resources

Online full-text journal article citation: 


Author(s).  Article title. Journal title (abbreviated) [Internet]
     Date of publication [cited date];Volume number (Issue number): 
     Page numbers. Available at: URL


Maloney, C, Lichtblau, SJ, Karpook, N, Chou, C, Arena-DeRosa, A. 
     Feline reactions to bearded men [Internet]. 1999. [cited
     2007 May 23];5(5):21-25. Available at:



"Refereed" or "Peer-Reviewed Journals Information

"Peer review" is the process through which experts in a field of study examine and assess the quality of articles before they are published.  Peer review insures that the research described in a journal's articles is sound and of high quality.

Sometimes the term "refereed" is used instead of peer reviewed.

You can identify Peer reviewed journals in the following source: